Zeller, Christian Heinrich
Zeller, Christian Heinrich a Protestant pedagogue, was born at Hohen-Entringen, near Tubingen, March 29, 1799. He studied law at Tiibingen, which he did not practice, but gave himself entirely to the cause of education. In 1820 he founded his famous institution for children and teachers at Beuggen-on-theRhine, where he died, May 18, 1860. He published, Gottliche Antworten auf menschliche Fragen (2d ed. Basle, 1852): — Kurze Seelenlehre (Stuttgart, 1846): — Monatsblatt von Beuggen, which contains a great many essays on various subjects. Zeller also distinguisheda himself as a hymn-lwriter; one of his hymns, Gott bei mir an jedem Ort, is found in an English translation in Hymns from the Land qf Luther, page 27 ("My God with me in every place"). See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. s.v.; Herzog, Real-Encyklop. s.v.; Koch, Geschichte des deutschen Kirchenliedes, 7:188 sq. (B.P.)