Zella, Council of
Zella, Council Of
(Concilium Zellense or Teleptense), was held in 418, at Zella, or Tella, in the province of Bvzacena, in Africa, Donatianus, bishop of Zella, presiding. Various regulations were made.
1. Enacts that no man shall be admitted to holy orders who has served in war after baptism.
2. Enacts that every bishop shall be consecrated by three bishops, with the consent of the metropolian, and that of the bishops of the provinces, expressed in writing.
3. Declares that one bishop only cannot consecrate another, except in the Roman Church.
4. Exhorts bishops, priests, etc., to observe continence. 8. Directs that the Montauists and Novatianists shall be admitted into the Church by imposition of handls. See Mansi, Concil. 2:1577.