Heath, Asa
Heath, Asa a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Hillsdale, N. Y., July 31,1776. His parents were Congregationalists. At thirteen he was converted, under the ministry of the Rev. F. Garrettson (q.v.). He began to preach in 1797 on Cambridge Circuit, N. York, under the direction of the Rev. Sylvester Hutchinson. In 1798 he was stationed at Pomfret, Conn., with Daniel Ostrander. In 1799 he was sent to the province of Maine, and stationed on the Kennebec Circuit, embracing all the territory from Waterville to the Canada line, making more than two hundred miles travel to reach all the appointments. In 1800 Portland was his field of labor; 1801, Readfield; 1802, Falmouth; 1804-5, Scarboro'; in 1806- he located in consequence of bodily infirmities. In 1818 he re-entered the traveling connection, and was appointed presiding elder of Portland district, which position- he occupied for three years; 1821, Scarboro'; 1822, Kenmiebec; in 1823 he again located, and removed to Monmouth, Me.; in 1827 he re-entered the traveling ministry again, and held an effective relation to the Conference fifteen years. In 1842 he became superannuate, and this relation continued until Sept. 1, 1860, when he died in peace. As a preacher, he was sound in doctrine, clear in exposition, simple yet forcible in illustration, and impressive in delivery. — Zian's Herald, Oct. 5, 1860.