Burg, Johann Friedrich
Burg, Johann Friedrich a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born May 13, 1689, at Breslau. He studied at Leipsic, and in 1711 took the degree of bachelor of theology in his native city. In 1713 he was appointed pastor of Trinity Church, and he died June 4, 1766, as professor of theology and superintendent of the Evangelical churches and schools. He published, Diss. Sistens analysin Logicam Epistolce Pauli ad Ephesios, etc. (Leipsic, 1708):-Diss. de Adoratione et Glorificatione Spiritus S. contra G. Whistonum (ibid. 1711) :-Summarische Wiederholung und Erlauterung des Grundes und der Ordnung des Heils (Breslau, 1737): -Sammlung geistlicher Reden (ibid. 1750-56, 6 parts). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. i, 166, 874; Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, i, 206 sq. (B. P.)