Apelles (2)
Apelles surnamed, from his length of life, Senex, a heretic, and disciple of Marcion, who, having been falsely charged with the seduction of a young girl of Alexandria named Philumene, set up a school of his own, and became a critic of his former master. He taught that the Lord, when descending from heaven, formed to himself a body of particles of air, which he allowed to resolve itself into air again as he ascended. He taught that there was one God, the Creator of all things, who, when he had created the bad angels, intrusted to one of them the formation of the world. He denied the resurrection of the flesh, and repudiated the law and the prophets. — Cave, Hist. Lit. anno 188; Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. 5,13; Mosheim, Comm. 1, 487, 488; Lardner, Works, 8, 539 sq.