Wurdtwein, Stanislaus Alexander
Wurdtwein, Stanislaus Alexander a Roman Catholic, prelate of Germany was born at Amorbach in 1719, and died, as suffragan of Worms, April 12, 1796. He is the author of, Monasticon Palatinuum (Mannheim, 1793-97, 6 volumes): — Dioecesis Megunt. in Archidiac. Distr. et Comment. Dipl. Illustr. (ibid. 1767-77, 3 parts): — Thuringia et Eichsfeldia Med. AEvi Eccles. (ibid. 1790): — Subsidia Diplom. ad Selecta Juris Eccles. Germ. et Historiar. Cropita Elucidanda (Bamberg, 1772-80, 13 parts): — Nova Subsidia Diplom. etc. (ibid. 1781-90). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:791, 792, 802, 916; 2:5. (B.P.)