Weber, Ferdinand Wilhelm
Weber, Ferdinand Wilhelm a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born October 22, 1836, at Schwabach. His preparatory education he received at the gymnasium in Nuremberg, which he left in 1855 for the University of Erlangen. Here he attended the lectures of Hofmann, Delitzsch, Thomasius, Hevder, and Harnack; and, besides theology, he also studied history and Rabbinic literature. After the completion of his academic curriculum, he became vicar of the well known Lohe, and second teacher at the mission school in Neuendettelsau. On account of a dissertation Ueber den Begriff des Schonaen und Erhabenen bei Kant, he received the degree of doctor of philosophy. At Neuendettelsau his great talents found a wide scope for usefulness. Here he published his well-known work, Vom Zorne Gottes (with an introduction by Delitzsch) in 1862, and his Introduction to the Writings of the Old and New Testaments (eod.; 5th ed. 1878). In 1864 he went to Diebach, where he labored until 1872, when he was appointed Lbhe's successor. Bodily infirmities, however, soon obliged him to retire to Polsingen, where he died, July 10, 1879. Besides the works already mentioned, he published, Hermann der Pramonstratenser, oder die Juden und die Kirche des Mittelalters (Nordlingen, 1861), with a preface by Lohe: — Kurze Betrachtungem uber die Evangelien und Episteln der Sonn- und Festtage des Kirchenjahrs: — Der Prophet Jesaja in Bibelstunden ausgelegt (2 parts 1875, 1876). He left in manuscript Grundzuge der paldstinisch-judischen Theologie aus Targum, Midrasch und Talmud dargelegt, which will soon be published. See Delitzsch, Saat auf Hoffnung (Erlangen, 1879), page 228 sq. (B.P.)