Walther, John L
Walther, John L.
a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Kulmbach, Bavaria, Sept. 10, 1818. He emigrated to America in 1840; was powerfully converted at watch night services in St. Louis, Mo., at the close of 1848; served the Church grandly as exhorter and local preacher; joined the Illinois Conference in 1851, which he served faithfully and successfully until 1861, when he was appointed chaplain of the Forty-third Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. As chaplain: he was persistent in all his duties, and highly honored by officers and soldiers. He was shot in the chest April 6, 1862, on the battle-field of Shiloh, while caring for the wounded; and expired almost without a struggle. Mr. Walther was the third chaplain of the Union army dying in the service of his nation; and was first in excellency among German preachers in the Illinois Conference. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1862, p. 224.