Vogel, Paul Joachim Siegmund
Vogel, Paul Joachim Siegmund a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born Jan. 13, 1753, at Nuremberg. For a number of years he acted as teacher in his native place; was called to Altdorf in 1793 as deacon and professor of theology; and in 1808 he was called to Erlangen as doctor and professor of theology, where he died, April 18, 1834o He published, Avfatze theol. Inhalts (Nuremb. and Altdorf, 1796-99, 2 vols.): Commentatio de Canone Eusebitino (Erlang. 1809-11, 3 pts.): —Commentatio de Apocal. Joannis (ibid. 1811-16): De Cojecturns Usu in Crisi N.T; cui Adjecta est Brevzis Commentatio de IVLibro Esdrae (Altdorf, 1795): Ueber die letzen Gruinde des menschl. und christlichen Glaubens (Sulzbach, 1806): — Comment. de Christologia N.T. (Erlang. 1822, 2 pts.): —Diatribe de Resurrectione Carnis (ibid. 1819, 2 pts.): —Ueber die Hoffnung des Wiedersehens (Nuremb. 1806: — Ueber das Philosophische u. das Christliche in der christl. Moral (Erlang. 1823, 2 pts.): — Synodal Vortrage (Bayreuth, 1837). See Winer, Handb. der theol. Lit. 1, 30, 77, 92, 103. 362, 435, 475, 477; Zutchold, Bibl. Theol. 2, 1395. (B. P.)