Verbrugge, Otto
Verbrugge, Otto a German doctor and professor of theology and. Oriental languages, who flourished towards the middle of the 18th century at Griningen, is the author of Dissertatio de Trichotomia in Libros Mosaicos, etc. (Lingen, 1713): — Observationes Philologicae de Nominum Hebraeorum Plurali Numeros (Groningen, 1730; 2d ed. Erlangen, 1752): — Oratio de Statu Judceorum Tempore Exilii Babylonici (Groningen, 1730). See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 472; Winer, Handb. der theol. Lit. 1, 119; Steilischneider, Bibl. Handb. s.v. (B. P.)