VölKel jOhann
Völkel Johann a Socinian theologian of Germany, was born at Grimma, studied at Wittenberg, and in 1585 joined the Socinians. He became rector at Wengrow, and died as preacher at Smigla, in Poland, in 1618. Socinus, whose amanuensis he had been for some time, was his special friend. He took part in the composition of the Catechismus Racoviensis; his own work, De Vera Religione, was supplemented by John Crell and published at Rakov, 1630 (reprinted in Maresii Hydra Sociallaisnii Expugnat, Gron. 165152). See Fock, Der Soeinianismus. (Kiel, 1847); Theolog. Universall Lexikon, s.v. Winer, Handbuch der theoloq. Literatur, 1, 308; Biographie Universelle, s.v. (B. P.)