Ussermann, Aemillian
Ussermann, AEmillian a Roman Catholic divine of Germany, was born at St. Ulrich, in Baden, Oct. 30, 1737, occupied the chair of theology at Salzburg from 1767 to 1769, and died Oct. 27,1798, as doctor of theology and capitulary in the monastery of the Benedictines of Saint Blasien. He is the author of, Episcopatus Wirceburg. sub Metropoli Moguntina Chronol. et Diplomat. Illustratus (Sanct Blasiei, 1794): — Episcopatus Barnberg Illustr. (ibid. 1801): — Succincta Explicatio Locorum quoruncdam Difficiliorum Pentateuchi quoad Sensum. Literalem, Moralem, Polemzicuns, Allegoricu et Antilogicum ex Cositextu prcecipue Locis Parallelis ac Linguis Adornata (Munich, 1767): — Conpendium Syntixeos Hebraicae, una cum Analysi Libri Geneseos, etc. (Salzburg, 1769). See Furst, Bibl. Jude 1:3, 465; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, 1, 779,787. (B. P.)