a censer used in some of the services of the Roman Catholic Church, made of metal, usually in, the form of a vase, with a cover perforated to allow the scented fumes of the burning incense to escape. It. is usually carried by three chains which are attached to points around the lower portion, while a fourth is sometimes connected with the above, being united to, the ring or handle, and is used at intervals to raise the upper portion or covering of the censer and allow the incense to escape more freely. In the 8th century thuribles were commonly used and directions for their due adoption enjoined by the authority of the local synods. At Rome there are thuribles of gold in the treasury; of the Church of St. John Lateran, reputed to have been given by the emperor Constantine. There is an old silver censer at Louvain, more than twelve at Milan Cathedral, seven at Metz Cathedral, four of silver-gilt at Notre Dame, Paris, of the 14th century, and some remarkable specimens at Rheimsiand at Treves. There are a few examples still in use in England, and several at the South Kensington and the British Museum and in private collections. The thurible is used at high mass, at vespers, at the benediction with the blessed sacrament, at funerals, public thanksgivings, etc. It has often been used in the Church of England since the Reformation. See Lee, Gloss. of Liturg. Terms, s.v.; Parker, Gloss. of Architect. s.v.