Theiner, Johann Anton
Theiner, Johann Anton brother of Augustin, was born at Breslau. Dec. 15,1799. He studied theology, was made chaplain in 1823 in Zobten on the Bober, and in 1824
was appointed professor of exegesis and canon law at Breslau. The lively interest which he took in the reformatory movements of his Church obliged him to give up his lectures, and he entered upon ministerial duties at different places. In 1845 he sided with the German Catholic movement, from which he soon withdrew, in 1848, and lived excommunicated by his Church until 1855, when he was made custos of the university library at Breslau, where he died, May 15, 1860. He wrote, Descriptio Codicis qui Vetsionem Pentateuchi Arabicam continet (Berlin, 1822): —Die wolf kleinen Propheten (Leips. 1828): —Dasfunfte Buch Mosis (ibid. 1831): — De Pseudoisidoriana Canonunl Collectione (Breslau, 1837 ): —Die reformatorischen Bestrebungen der kathol. Kirche (Altenburg, 1845): — Das Seligkeitsdogma in der katthol. Kirche (ibid. 1847): —Enthüllungen über Lehren u. Leben der kathol. Geistlichkeit. See Winer, Handbuch der theolog. Literatur, 1, 174, 603; 2, 22, 800; Theologisches Universal-Lex. s.v.; Reyensburger Real-Encyklop. s.v.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2, 1322; Fürst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 419. (B. P.)