Tarnov, Johann
Tarnov, Johann a German doctor and professor of theology, was born April 19, 1586, at Grevismuhlen, in Mecklenburg, and died Jan. 22, 1629, at Rostock, where he had lectured since 1614. He wrote: Declaratio eorum quae ad Dicti Esai. c. 45 5. 8 Sensu Literali Investig. in Exercit. Biblic. allata sunt (Rostock, 1621): Exercilt. Biblic. Libri IV in quibus Verus et Genuin. Sensus Locorum Sacrosrum Multorumn Inquiritur ac Defenditur (2d ed. ibid. 1621, and often): — In Threnos Jerentice Comment. (Hamburg, 1707): — In Prophetas Minores Comm. (Leipsic, 1688, 1706): — In Prophetam Haggteum Comm. (Rostock, 1624): — In Prophetam Malachiam Comm. (ibid. 1624): — Comment. in Epistol. Pauli ad Ephes., Philipp., Coloss., et Thessal. (ibid. 1636). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, 1, 188, 220, 222, 253; Fürst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 411; Diestel, Geschichte des Alten Testaments, p. 399,456. (B. P.)