Swaim, Samuel Budd, Dd
Swaim, Samuel Budd, D.D.
an able minister of the Baptist denomination, was born at Pemberton, N.J., June 22, 1809, and was a graduate of Brown University in the class of 1830 and of the Newton Theological Institution in the class of 1833. He was ordained at Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 7, 1833. For some time he was professor in Granville College (now Denison University). In 1838 he took charge of the First Baptist Church in Worcester, Mass., where his ministry was an eminently successful one, and continued sixteen years. From 1854 to 1862 he was pastor in West Cambridge, and then became an agent for the American Baptist Home Missionary Society. His death took place Feb. 3, 1865. (J. C.S.)