Suarez, Francisco
Suarez, Francisco a Spanish Jesuit, born at Granada, Jan. 5, 1548, was a professor of reputation at Alcala, at Salamanca, and at Rome. He was afterwards invited to Coimbra, Portugal, where he became the principal professor of divinity. He died at Lisbon, Sept. 25. 1617. He was au author of the most voluminous kind, and the Jesuits consider him the greatest and best scholastic divine that their order has produced. See his writings in Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Géneralé, s.v. He is the principal author of the system of congruism, which is at bottom only that of Molina. Father Noel, a French Jesuit, made an abridgment of the works of this commentator (Gelneva, 173, 2, fol.). There is a Life of him by Antony Deschamps (Perpignan, 1671, 4to).