Strange, John
Strange, John, a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Virginia Nov. 15, 1789, embraced religion when quite young, and was admitted on trial in the Ohio Conference in 1811, where he labored thirteen years with great fidelity, acceptance, and usefulness. The rest of his life was spent in Indiana. He died Dec. 2, 1832. Traditions of his eloquence and usefulness are rife through all Ohio. "He was," says a fellow laborer, "one of the brightest lights of the American pulpit in the valley of the Mississippi in the early part of the present century. He was formed by nature to be eloquent. There were times when his audiences were held spellbound by his eloquence, and sometimes they were raised en masse from their seats." See Minutes of
Annual Conferences, 2, 276; Stevens, Hist. of the M.E. Church, 4, 383- 385; Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 7, 505-511. (J.L.S.)