Storr, Gottlob Christian

Storr, Gottlob Christian, doctor of theology, professor of divinity at Tübingen, consistorial counsellor, and first minister to the court at Stuttgart; was born at Stuttgart in 1746, and died at the same place in 1805. The labors of Storr contributed more, perhaps, than those of almost any other man to stem the tide of neology, which at one time threatened to deluge Germany. Vexed with the wild and baseless speculations of the Rationalists, he early determined to build his faith on the pure Word of God; and in his early youth devoted himself for a long time to its exclusive study. Thus he became mighty in the Scriptures, as the Elementary Course of Biblical Theology, by him and Flatt, translated into English by Prof. Schmucker, abundantly shows. Other works of Storr, of great value, and eminently subsidiary to his great purpose of recalling the educated mind of Germany to the proper study and just estimate of revelation, are, Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews: — Treatise on the True Object of Christ's Death: — On the Object of the Evangelical History, and the Epistles of John: — New Defense of the Revelation of John: — and Opuscula Academica, several of which have been translated into English, and published in the Biblical Repository, the Princeton Repertory, etc." He also helped to advance Hebrew learning by his Observations pertaining to Hebrew Analogy and Syntax.

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