Steins, Frederick
Steins, Frederick, a Presbyterian minister, was born in Germany Nov. 18, 1805. He was educated at Mors, in Prussia, studied theology in the University of Bonn, and was licensed and ordained in the ministerium of Cologne in 1835, and for some years had the pastoral charge of a church near the Rhine. He afterwards emigrated to America, and entered the Dutch Reformed Church in New York, but soon, made a very pleasant acquaintance with some Presbyterian ministers of the Old School, and sought admission into their Church with the prospect, as, he supposed, of greater usefulness. His field was a mission in the eastern part of New York city. He had a vast population of poor Germans among whom to work; and he labored faithfully, going from house to house through the streets where the poor dwell, seeking the acquaintance of all, and distributing tracts, uttering words of comfort to, the distressed and counsel to the indolent and ungodly. While thus employed in his Master's service he died, Aug. 30,1867, Mr. Steins was thoroughly trained in theology, a laborious man, and a kind and affectionate pastor. See Wilson,. Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1868, p. 148. (J.L.S.)