Smith, Henry (1)
Smith, Henry (1), an English clergyman, was born in Withcock, Leicestershire, in 1550, and after pursuing his studies at Oxford entered the Church. His scruples, however, as to subscriptions and ceremonies were such that he resolved not to undertake a pastoral charge, but accepted the office of lecturer of the Church of St. Clement Danes, London. The circumstances of his death are unknown; Fuller thinks that he died about 1600, Wood in 1593. Granger says that "he was called the Silver-tongued Preacher." His sermons and treatises, published at various times about the close of the 16th century, were collected in one volume, 4to, in 1675, with a life of the author by Fuller. See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.; Chalmers, Biog. Dict. s.v.