Smith, Carlos, Dd
Smith, Carlos, D.D., a Presbyterian minister, was born in Hopkinton, N.H., July 17, 1801. He was graduated at Union College in 1822. He became a teacher in Petersburg, Va., and in Thetford, Vt., going from the latter place to Catskill, N.Y., where he taught six years. He was ordained by Oneida Presbytery at Utica, N.Y., in 1832, and was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Manlins, N.Y. He remained in this charge four years, and then removed to Painesville, O where he was pastor eight years. He next took charge of the Massillon Church, O., where he continued three years. He then accepted a call to Tallmadge, O., and was pastor of that Church fourteen years. His next and last charge was Akron, O., where he remained eleven years, after which he was without charge. Dr. Smith died at Akron, April 22, 1877. He published, Progress and Patience (1847): — God's Voice Misunderstood: — The Pulpit Theme (1854): — Eyes and No Eyes (1855): — Spiritualism, or the Bible a Sufficient Witness (1856): — God's Call to the Nation (1861): — -The Memory of Our Noble Dead (1864): — Christ in the Bible (1870): — Selling of Intoxicating Drinks Immoral (1872): Roman and Grecian Civilization: — To Young Men (1872): — Value of a Good Man (1873): — Historical Discourse (1875): — An Adventure at Sea: — and several minor articles. (W.P.S.)