Shit'rai (Heb. Shitray', שַׁטרִי [marg. Shirtay', שַׁרטִי], my decisions, or decisive; Sept. Σατραϊv v.r.]Ασαρτίας), a Sharonite who had charge of David's herds feeding in Sharon (1Ch 27:29). B.C. 1043.
Shit'rai (Heb. Shitray', שַׁטרִי [marg. Shirtay', שַׁרטִי], my decisions, or decisive; Sept. Σατραϊv v.r.]Ασαρτίας), a Sharonite who had charge of David's herds feeding in Sharon (1Ch 27:29). B.C. 1043.