Sherebi'ah (Heb. Sherebyah' שֵׁרֵביָה, heat [Furst, sprout] of Jehovah; Sept.'Σαραβία, v.r. Σαραβίας, Σαραβαϊvα, Σαραϊvα, ettc.), a prominent Levite of the family of Mahli the Merarite, who, with his sons and brethren (eighteen all) joined Ezra's party of returning colonists at the river Ahava (Ezr 8:18), and who, along with Hashabiah and ten others was commissioned to carry the treasures to Jerusalem (ver. 24, where they are vaguely called "chief of the priests"). B.C. 459. He also assisted Ezra in reading to the people (Nahum 8:7), took part in the psalm of confession and thanksgiving which; was sung at the solemn fast after the Feast of Tabernacles, (Nahum 9:4, 5), and signed, the covenant with, Nehemiah (Ne 10:12). He is again mentioned among the chief of the Levites who belonged to the choir (Ne 12:8,24).