Shena'zar (Heb. Shenatstsar' שֵׁנאִצִּר fiery tooth [Gesenius] or splendid leader [Furst]; Sept. Σανεσάρ) v.r. Σαναζάρ), fourth named of the seven sons of king Jeconiah or Jehoiakim, born during his captivity (1Ch 3:18). BC. post 606.
Shena'zar (Heb. Shenatstsar' שֵׁנאִצִּר fiery tooth [Gesenius] or splendid leader [Furst]; Sept. Σανεσάρ) v.r. Σαναζάρ), fourth named of the seven sons of king Jeconiah or Jehoiakim, born during his captivity (1Ch 3:18). BC. post 606.