[some Shar'uhen] (Heb. Sharuchen', שָׁרוּחֶן, refuge of grace; Sept. ἀγροὶ αὐτῶν [probably reading שׂדיהן]), a town originally in Judah, afterwards set off to Simeon (Jos 19:6); hence in the Negeb, or "south country." SEE JUDAH. It seems to be the same elsewhere called SHILHIM (Jos 15:32), or SHAARAIM (1Ch 4:31), but probably by erroneous transcription, in the latter case at least. Knobel (Exeg. Handb. on Jos 15:32) suggests, as a probable identification, Tell Sheri'ah, about ten miles west of Bir-es-Seba, at the head of Wady Sheri'ah (the "watering place"). Wilton locates it near Ruhaibah (Rehoboth), but his reasons are uncritical (The Negeb, p. 217 sq.). SEE SIMEON.