Serving Tables
Serving Tables one of the parts of the Presbyterian sacramental service. Where the Presbyterians have not adopted the Congregational mode of partaking of the sacrament, the following is the order: "The table on which the elements are placed, being decently covered, the bread in convenient dishes, and the wine in cups, and the communicants orderly and gravely sitting around the table or in their seats before it, the minister sets the elements apart by prayer and thanksgiving," etc. The whole of the communicants not partaking at once, it is found necessary to continue the distribution of the elements, with intervals of psalm singing; during which those who have eaten leave the table to give place to a fresh set of communicants. The distribution of the bread and wine and the delivery of an address are what constitutes serving the table. The number of tables varies from four to eight, and each address occupies ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. The minister of the place serves the first table; the rest are served by his assisting brethren.