Self Defense
Self Defense the act of defending one's self and property from injury. The right of self defense has been questioned by many, and has also been stoutly advocated. The secular law requires no man to submit passively to the infliction of evil upon his person, but always allows him to defend himself. Of course, the violence used must only be so much as is necessary for defense. Is the principle of self defense contrary to the Gospel, or should a man choose rather to lose his own life than to save it at the expense of another's? It may be answered that where there is reason to believe that life is at stake one is justified in taking the life of the would-be murderer; for the reason that in attempting a felony he has forfeited his life, and in preserving your own you spare the innocent. It is generally considered lawful even to kill in the defense of chastity, provided there be no other way of preserving it.