Se'gub (Heb. Segub', שַׂגיב. [v.r. in Kings Segib, שַׂגַיב ], elevated; Sept. Σεγούβ v.r. in Chronicles Σερούχ), the name of two Hebrews.
1. The son of Hezron, grandson of Judah. His mother was the daughter of Machir, the "father" of Gilead, and he was himself father of Jair (1Ch 2:21). B.C. cir. 1850.
2. The youngest son of Hiel, the rebuilder of Jericho, who died for his father's sin according to Joshua's prediction (1Ki 16:34; comp. Jos 6:26). B.C. cir. 910. According to Rabbinical tradition, he died when his father had set up the gates of the city. One story says that his father slew him as a sacrifice on the same occasion.