Schwedler, Johann Christoph
Schwedler, Johann Christoph, a Lutheran minister of Germany, was born at Krobsdorf, Silesia, Dec. 21, 1672. He studied at Leipsic, and in 1697 was appointed assistant deacon in Niederwiese, in Upper Lusatia. In 1701 he was appointed to the pastorate of that place, and died Jan. 12, 1730. He is the author of about 500 hymns, the most beautiful of which is his "Wollt ihr wissen, was mein Preis, " translated into English in Hymnologia Christiana, No. 620, "Ask ye what great thing I know." See Wezel, Hymnop, 4, 463 sq.; Otto, Lexikon oberlausitzischer Schriftsteller, 3, 1, 248 sq.; Koch, Gesch. d. deutsch. Kirchenliedes, 5, 225 sq.; Knapp, Evangel. Liederschatz, s.v. (B.P.)