Schulze, Johann Ludwig
Schulze, Johann Ludwig, a German doctor and professor of theology, was born at Halle, Dec. 17, 1734, and died there, May 1, 1799. He wrote, Dissertatio qua Mutationes in Textu Cod. Alexandrini a Grabio Factoe ex Conjectura, ad Examen Revocantur (Halle, 1768): — Chaldaicorum Danielis et Esrae Capitum Interpretatio Hebraica (ibid. 1782): — Dissertatio ad Cohel. 1-8 (ibid. 1768). He also edited Simonis Lexicon Manuale and Altingii Synopsis Institutionum Chaldoearum. See Wiser, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, 2, 770; Furst, Bibl Judaica, 3, 297. (B.P.)