Schnappinger, Bonifacius M
Schnappinger, Bonifacius M.
a Roman Catholic divine, was born at Neuburg, in Bavaria, Oct. 5, 1762, was first lecturer of theology at Würzburg, then professor of exegesis at Heidelberg, and from 1807 professor of dogmatics at Freiburg. He died Dec. 6, 1832. He published the New Test. with annotations (Mannheim, 1807): — Doctrina Dogmatum Eccles. Christ. Cath. ad usum Acad. (Augsburg, 1818): — Entwurf einer kathol.-christl. Religions-u. Dogmeneschichte zu akad. Vorlesungen (Carlsruhe, 1807). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, 1, 175, 306, 593; 2, 761. (B.P.)