Ruddy (אִדמוֹנַי, admoni, reddish; Sept. πυῤῥάκης; Vulg. rufus). Many interpreters think that the word means red-haired. and it is so rendered in the ancient versions, although ours understands a ruddy complexion. It would then appear that Esau (Ge 25:25) and David (1Sa 16:12; 1Sa 27:12) had red hair, a peculiarity so uncommon in the East that it forms a particular distinction, as in the Scriptural instances; but it is by no means unknown, especially in mountainous countries. It has been observed in Persia, accompanied with the usual fresh complexion. Such hair and complexion together seem to have been regarded as a beauty among the Jews. The personal characters of Esau and David appear to agree well with the temperament which red hair usually indicates. That interpretation, however, is by no means established, and the contempt of Goliath for David as a youth of a fair, bright skin is more probable. SEE DAVID. This view is confirmed by the application of kindred words, as adam (אִדִ ם), in La 4:7, to the Nazarites in general; and adam (אָדֹ ם) to the bridegroom (Song 5:10), who is immediately described as black-haired (ver. 11).