Roll, Reinhard Heinrich
Roll, Reinhard Heinrich a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born at Unna, Hesse, November 2, 1683, and studied at Rostock. In 1710 he was rector at his native place, in 1712 at Dortmund, in 1730 professor at. Giessen, and died Oct. 2, 1768, doctor of theology. He published, De Nummo Cosfessionali et Oblatorio (Rostock, 1707): — Bibliotheca Nobilium Theologorum Historico- Theologica Selecta (1708): — De Sectarum Philosophicarum Scriptoribus Grcecis Potioribus (1709-10): — De Objecto Psalmi lxix (1714): — De Paulo Apostolo Polyhistore (1715): — Jobus Scepticismi immerito Accusatus (1719): — Lineamenta Theologie Naturalis sive Philosophicae (1723): — De Fide Centurionis Capernaitici ad Matthew 8:1 sq. (1730). See Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, s.v. (where ninety titles of Roll's works are given). (B.P.)