Rinck, Friedrich Theodor
Rinck, Friedrich Theodor a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was, born April 8, 1770, at Stave, Pomerania. He commenced his academical career in 1792 at Kinigsberg, was in 1800 professor of theology, in 1801 first preacher at Dantzic, and died April 27, 1821, doctor of theology. He is the author of, De Linguarum Orientalium cum Graeca Mira Convenientia (Konigsberg, 1788): — Arabisches, syrisches, und chaldaisches Lesebuch (eod.): — Commentarii in Hoseae Vaticinia Specimen (1789): — Neue Sammlung der Reisen natch den Orient (1807). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:151, 528; Furst, Bibl. Jud. s.v. (B.P.)