Re'zeph (Heb. Re'tseph, רֶצֶפ, a hot stone, as in 1Ki 19:6; Sept. ῾Ρασἐφ, ῾Ραφείς, v. r. ῾Ραφέθ ), one of the places which Sennacherib mentions, in his taunting message to Hezekiah, as having been destroyed by his predecessor (2Ki 19:12; Isa 37:12). He couples it with Haran and other well-known Mesopotamian spots. It is supposed to be the same that Ptolemy mentions under the name of Rhesopha ( ῾Ρησώφα) as a city of Palmyrene (Geog. v, 15); and this, again, is possibly the same with the Rasapha which Abulfeda places at nearly a day's journey west of the Euphrates. The name is still a common one, Yakut's Lexicon quoting these two and seven other less important towns so called. SEE SENNACHEIRIB.