Reai'ah (Heb. Reayah', ראָיָה, seen of Jehovah), the name of three Hebrews.
1. (Sept. ῾Ράδα v. r. ῾Ρεϊά) A "son" of Shobal son of Judah (1Ch 4:2). B.C. post 1658. He is apparently designated by the epithet Haroeh (הָרֹאֶה, ha-Roeh, the seer; Sept. Α᾿ραά, Vulg. qui videbat; evidently a mere corruption of Reaiah). SEE SHOBAL.
2. (Sept. ῾Ρηχά) The son of Micah and father of Baal, apparently phylarchs of the tribe of Reulben not long before the invasion of Tiglath-Pileser (1Ch 5:5, A.V. "Reaia"). B.C. ante 720.
⇒Bible concordance for REAIAH.
3. (Sept.' ῾Ραϊά v. r. ῾Ρααϊά, etc.) One of the Nethinim whose posterity returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:47; Ne 7:50). B.C. ante 536.