Proud, Joseph
Proud, Joseph an English minister of the New Jerusalem Church, who was born in the second half of the last century, is noted as the author of several of the ablest polemics ever issued by the Church of which he was a much esteemed member. He died about 1860. His works are: Reply to Dr. Priestley's Letters on Swedenborg (1792, 8vo): — Hymns for the New Church (12mo): — Jehovah's Mercy, a poem (8vo): — Unitarian Doctrine Refuted (Lond. 1806, 8vo): — Letters on the Fundamental Doctrines of the Unitarian Religion (1808, 8vo): — The Aged Minister's Last Legacy to the New Church (Birm. 12mo; 2dc ed. Lond. 1855). See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 9:67.