Promotio Per Saltum

Promotio per saltum is, in the Church of Rome, the intentional disregard of the legal scale of the different orders. It is the collation or the obtention of a higher order by way of skipping one or several other orders, which. according to rule, ought to precede. In consequence, he who has been ordained per saltum cannot perform the functions of the order thus unlawfully bestowed until the next inferior order has been subsequently obtained also (c. un. Dist. 52); this inferior degree the bishop can confer on him, and allow him at once to perform the duties of the higher degree (Conc. Trid. sess. 23:c. 14, De Ref.). But if the promoted ecclesiastic officiates according to the higher order thus illicitly conferred on him without the episcopal dispensation, he becomes irregular, and needs papal dispensation (c. un. 10, De Cler. per salt. proma. v, 29). The consecration of a bishop, with omission of the presbyterate, would not only be illicit, but utterly void (Arg. c. 10, fit. 10, De excess. proel. v, 31). — Wetzer u. Welte, Kirchen-Lexikon, s.v.

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