Plassmann, Heinrich Ernst Dd
Plassmann, Heinrich Ernst. D.D.
a German Roman Catholic divine, was born in 1817 at Paderborn, where he also afterwards labored as professor of theology. He then went to Rome, where he was appointed rector of the German National Church. He was also honored with the degree of "Magister Sanitae Theologiae" by the Dominican college St. Thomae de Urbe. He died at Tivoli. Italy, July 23, 1865. He wrote Die Schule des heil. Thomas (Soest, 1857), a great but unfinished work. See Literarischer HItndweiser fur das katholische Deutschland, 1865, p. 27 sq.; Zuchhold, Bibliotheca Theologica, 2, 1000. (B. P.)