Nicephorus, Philosophus
Nicephorus, Philosophus an Eastern writer, flourished about 900 at Constantinople, where he enjoyed great esteem for his learning and genius. He wrote Oratio Panegyrica s. Vita Antonii Caulei (Caulece) Patriarch C. P., who died in 891 (895), which is printed in Bollandii Acta Sanct. ad 12 diem Februaii. He is perhaps also the author of Ο᾿κτατευχός, or Catena in Octateuchum et Libros Regum, which is ascribed to one Nicephorus Hieromonachus. TheOctateuchus was published at Venice (1772-1773, 2 vols. fol.), with a Latin version and a commentary; in the title there. stands Leipzig, without a date. See Fabricius, Bibl. Graec. 12:610; Cave, Hist. Lit. ad ann. 895.