Mursinna, Samuel
Mursinna, Samuel a German theologian, was born at Stolpe, in the province of Pomerania, East Prussia, November 12, 1717. He received his preparatory training at Stolpe; then studied in Berlin in the Joachimsthal'sche Gymnasium, and was also a member of the theological seminary combined with that institution; and then studied theology at Halle for three years. He next assumed the work of a tutor at Berlin; was the year after appointed inspector of the seminary of the Joachimsthal'sche Gymnasium; in 1750 prorector of this institution; and in 1758 professor of divinity at the University of Halle, and died in that place February 15, 1795. His most prominent works are, Diss. historico-philologica de hebdomade gentilium et dierum a planetis denominatione, qua Georgio Jacobo Pauli munus Rectoris Gymnasii, quod Halo floret, gratulatur Societas anicorum litterarice (Berl. 1747, 4to): — Polyceni stratagematum Libri viii recensuit, Justi Vulteji versionem Latinam emendavit et indicen Graecum adjecit (ibid. 1756, 4to): — Diss. philosophico-theologica de origine generis humani (Halle, 1759, 4to): — Diss. exegetica de ecclesia, columna et firmamento veritatis, ad 1 Timothy 3:13 (ibid. 1763, 4to): — Primae lineae Encyclopcediae theologicae (ibid. 1764, 4to): — Homiletica, s. de recta eloquentice ecclesiasticae ratione libellus (ibid. 1766, 8vo): — Diss. de institutione scholastica ad diversa discentium ingenia accommodanda (ibid. 1767, 4to): — Allgemeine theologische Biblioth. 11ter bis 14te Band (Mittau, 1778-1780, large 8vo; the first four volumes were published by C.F. Bahrdt; from the 5th to the 10th by J.C.F. Schulz): — Biographia selecta, s. Memoriae aliquot virorum doctissimorum, cum
commentationibus quibusdam aliis ad historiam lifterariam spectantibus, edidit et prcefatus est (Halle, 1782, large 8vo). See Doring, Gelehrte Theol. Deutschlands, s.v.