Messer, Asa, Dd, Lld
Messer, Asa, Dd., LLd.
a noted American educator and Baptist minister, was born in Methuen, Mass., in 1769. He studied at Brown University, where he graduated in 1790. The next year he became a tutor in that institution; a professor of languages in 1796. of mathematics and natural philosophy in 1799, and president in 1802, which latter position he held until 1826. Having been licensed in 1792, and ordained in 1801, he preached occasionally, both while professor and president, for congregations of different denominations. After retiring from the presidency, he was elected to several civil offices of trust by the citizens of Providence. He died Oct. II. 1836. Dr. Messer published a number of discourses and orations. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 6:326.