Mansi, J, Dominicus
Mansi, J., Dominicus a noted Italian prelate, was born in Lucca Feb. 16, 1692; entered the Church at an early age, and was for a long time professor of theology at Naples. He was created archbishop in 1765, and died Sept. 27, 1769. He was distinguished for his historical and philological acquirements, as also for his zeal as a compiler. Among his principal works are Supplementum, collectionis concilior. et decretorum Nicol. Coleti (Lucre, 1748-52, 6 vols.): — his own very complete collection, Sacrorum conciliorums nova et namplissima collectio, etc. (Florent. et Venet. 1759-88. 31 vols.), which was continued after his death. He published also a valuable edition of St. Baluzii Miscellanea (Lucca, 1761, 2 vols.), and the splendid Lucca edition of Baronius's Annal. Eccles., with the continuation by Raynaldus (1738- 56); a new edition of Natalis Alexandri Historia eccles. Vet. Novique Test. (Lucre, 1748-52), and of J. A. Fabricii Bibl. Lat. need. et inf. cet. (Patavii. 1754). He also published the 2d edition of the important Memoirie della Gran Contessa Matilda da Fr. M. liorentini (Lucca, 1756), to which he made many important additions. He wrote also De epochis conciliorum Sardicensis et Sirmiensium. See Ant. Zatti, Commentar. de vita et scriptis J. D. Mansi (Ven. 1772); Anton. Lombardi, Storia della letteratura- Italiana nel secolo xviii (Modena, 1827); Sarteschi, De Scriptoribus Congreg. Matris Dei, p. 352; Saxii Onon. lit. 7:4 sq.; Baur, Neues hist.biog. — lit. Handb. 3:488; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 33:259; Herzog, Real-Encyklopädie, 9:1. SEE MAMACHI.