Let'tus (Λαττούς v. r. Α᾿ττούς '; Vulg. Acchus), a "son of Sechenias," one of the Levites who returned from Babylon (1 Esdras 8:29), evidently the HATTUSI SEE HATTUSI (q.v.) of the Heb. text (Ezr 8:2).
Let'tus (Λαττούς v. r. Α᾿ττούς '; Vulg. Acchus), a "son of Sechenias," one of the Levites who returned from Babylon (1 Esdras 8:29), evidently the HATTUSI SEE HATTUSI (q.v.) of the Heb. text (Ezr 8:2).