Labouderie, Jean
Labouderie, Jean a celebrated French theological writer, was born at Chalinargues, Auvergne, Feb. 13, 1776. He became vicar of Notre Dame, Paris, in 1815, and early distinguished himself more as a writer than a preacher. He was particularly conversant with the Hebrew language. He died as honorary grand vicar of Avignon at Paris, May 2, 1849. Among his works are Pensees theoloyiGues (Clermont, 1801. 8vo):- Considerations addressees aux aspirants au ministere de l'eglise de Geneve, faisant suite a celles de 111. Empetaz sur la divinite de Jesus-Christ, avec une riponse it quelques questions de M. Delloc, etc. (Paris, 1817, 8vo):Precis historique du Methodisme (1818, 8vo): — Le Christianisme de Montaigne (1819, 8vo): -Vies des Saints (1820,3 vols. 24mo): — Le Religion Chrutievne (1826, 8vo): -Notice historique sur Zwingle (1828, 8vo); etc. See Hoefer, Noun. Biog. Generale, 28:395.