Jewett, William
Jewett, William a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Sharon, Conn., in the year 1789. At the age of seventeen he was converted, commenced preaching the year following, and traveled a circuit by direction of a presiding elder. In 1808 he joined the New York Annual Conference. His ministerial labors were uninterrupted from 1807 to 1851, a period of forty-four years, during nineteen of which he held the office of presiding elder. His appointments were Middletown, Conn.; Poughkeepsie, New York City, and from 1832 on the Hudson River, White Plains, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, and Rhinebeck districts. The last six years of his life he sustained to the Conference a superannuated relation. As a man, Mr. Jewett possessed many estimable traits of character. As a Christian, he was distinguished for a marked decision and firmness of character. As a preacher, he was plain, simple, and eminently practical. As a pastor, he was wise, diligent, faithful, and unusually successful, leaving behind him, wherever he went, a holy influence. As a presiding elder, he commanded the confidence and respect of his brethren. He died at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., June 27, 1857. (G.L.T.)