Isidore, St
Isidore, St.
bishop OF CORDOVA, and an eminent Spanish theologian and historian, who flourished in the 4th century, is supposed to have died about 380. The chronicle of Flav. Dexter mentions him as having continued St. Jerome's Chronicon to the year 380; Sigebert de Gembloux attributes to him also a Commentarius in Orosii Libros Regum; but Florez and Antonio show good grounds for discrediting this assertion. Antonio even gives very strong reasons for considering this Isidore an imaginary individual, as well as another Isidore, likewise supposed to have been bishop of Cordova in 400-430, whom Dexter considers to be the author of a Liber Alleyoriarsum and a Commentarius in Lucam. See Bivarius, Note ad Dextrum; Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana vetus, 1, 249; Fabricius, Bibl.
Med. et Infimae Latinitatis; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Géneralé, 26:56. (J. N. P.)