Hugo of Champfleuri
Hugo of Champfleuri a French prelate, was born in the early part of the 12th century. Of his early life but little is known. In 1151 he was appointed chancellor of France, and in 1159 he was elected bishop of Soissons, retaining, however, his position in the state, from both of which, for unknown reasons, he was deposed in 1171. He died Sept. 4, 1175. — Hist. Litt. de la France, 13 536; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Géneralé 25, 445. Hugo OF CITEAUX, a French Roman Catholic theologian who flourished in the 12th century, was a disciple of St. Bernard and abbé of Trois Fontaines. In 1150 he was made bishop of Ostie and cardinal by pope Eugene III. He died in 1158. Hugo wrote a narrative of the death of pope Eugene III, and several other works. He was a prelate of great merit and piety. See Encyclop. Theologique (Dict. des Cardinaux), 31, 1083.