Hug, Johann Leonhard

Hug, Johann Leonhard an eminent German Roman Catholic theologian, was born at Constance June , 1765, and educated at Freiburg University. In 1789 he took priest's orders, and in 1791 was appointed professor of Old-Testament exegesis at his alma mater. In 1792 the New-Testament exegesis was added to the duties of his chair. To fit himself more thoroughly for his professional duties, he visited the great libraries and universities of Central Europe. Though a Roman Catholic, he was too well acquainted with sacred criticism, and, like the celebrated Dr. Jahn, too impartial to be very greatly influenced in his views as a Biblical scholar and critic by his ecclesiastical connections. He wrote Erfindung d. Buchstabenschrift (Ulm, 1801) — Einleitung in d. Schriften d. Neuen Testaments (Stuttg. 1808, 2 vols.; 4th ed. 1847). This work, in which he attempts to vindicate and sustain the genuineness of all the-books commonly regarded as canonical, has been translated into French and English (Introduction to the New Testament, by Wait, London 1827,2 vols. 8vo; far better by Fosdick, Andover, Mass., 8vo), and is considered one of the ablest works of the kind. Untersuchungen über den Mythus d. berühmtesten Völker d. alten Welt (Freib. 1812) — Ueber d. Hohe Lied (ibid. 1813-1818) — De conjugii Christiani vinculo indissolubili comment. exeget. (ib. 1816), in which he took ground against civil marriages — Katechismus (ib. 1836) — De Pentateuchi versione Alexandrina comment. (ib. 1818) — Gutachten über d. Leben Jesu von D. F. Strauss (ib. 1840-1844, 2 vols.). Hug was also one of the editors, with Hirscher (q.v.) and others, of the Freiburger Zeitschrift für Theologie (Bonn, 1839-42). See Maier, Gedächtnissrede auf Hug (Freiburg, 1847); Real Encyklop. d. Kathol. Deutschland, 5:518 sq.; Herzog, Real-Encyklopadie, 19, 658; Chambers, Cyclopedia, 5:449 sq.; Kitto, Bibl. Cyclop. 2, 340; Haag, Hist. d. Dogmas Chret. 1, § 112;

Werner, Geschichte d. Katholischen Theol. p. 527 sq.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Géneralé. 25, 400. (J. H. W.)

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